Tuesday 14 July 2009

We're All Going On A Summer Holiday

Always wanted to go to Venice Biennale? Why not take 100 of your closest friends too? That’s what South London art collective LuckyPDF did for the field trip of a lifetime. Watch the fun here.

Peckham Internationale in Venice from Jack Foxton on Vimeo.

In early June of this year LuckyPDF launched the Peckham Internationale, a project inspired by the local Hannah Barry Gallery and their show entitled The Peckham Pavilion at the Venice Biennale. With the help of fellow South London collectives The Sunday Painter and members of Off Modern, LuckyPDF encouraged and mobilised a group of over a hundred peeps from the the artistic community in Peckham and London to travel to the Venice Biennale as a large flash excursion/holiday.

"What makles our events and parties special isn't necessarily the bands or dj's, but the atmosphere and the people there." Says Oliver Hogan, one quarter of LuckyPDF.

Originally they planned to hire coaches and envisioned a road trip of epic proportions,eventually practicality prevailed and the gang of one hundred flew to the Italian art capital. "The aim was just to get everyone there,. we coordinated a timetable so thta we were all in certian places at the same time, one meal had 70 people eating in restaurant on Campo Santa Margherita, it was kind of like team building, though that sounds crap! Everyone was aquaintances, and now we're a real community."

The Peckham Internationale hasn't stopped there and are planning for a second venture abroad this Christmas, to keep informed you can join the mailing list at www.luckypdf.com.

By Oliver Hogan

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